Online Russian level test

Are you curious about yourcurrent level of proficiency in the Russian language? Welcome to our Online Russian Level Test, a unique and free opportunity to discover your language skills.

Having a clear understanding of your current level of the Russian language is crucial to progressing effectively. Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced learner, our online Russian language test will help you identify your areas of strength and areas for improvement, providing you with a starting point for your future studies.

Our free test was created by language experts and offers an accurate result based on your answers. The online Russian quiz includes a variety of questions designed to test your listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary skills.

No matter where you are or how much time you have, our online Russian placement test is accessible 24/7. All you need is an internet connection. Yes, it’s that simple! What’s more, you’ll get results right away when you take the test, giving you the chance to know your level of Russian proficiency quickly and accurately.

Start by clicking the “Next” button on the right.

Fai subito il test di valutazione gratuita di russo e scopri il tuo livello.

Scegli quella corretta tra le opzioni disponibili, hai 20 minuti di tempo.